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Donate to the Rescue 

We are fairly small and new but we have already taken in at least 200 cats in the last five years, and 150 dogs. That would have otherwise been dumped, killed or ended up in wrong hands. 

Of all the animals we take in about 90 percent of them are or were special needs due to medical needs, temperament, injury, illness, and abuse. 


We spent over $10,000 out of pocket and counting, plus the little donations we do or did receive to cover food, supplies, Veterinary care for treatment, health maintenance, emergency care, and spay/neuter and vaccinations. 

We can help more with more donations and with the funds we can also microchip all animals and provide other services as well such as emergency packages of food and supplies to those who find themselves in a bind. 

We are a 501c3 registered group and will be expanding to offer more services to help more animals. All donations to our rescue will be used for veterinarian care, food, supplies, transporting of animals when needed, and to help supply our fosters with needed supplies while caring for our rescues. And all donations are tax deductible.

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Wish Lists and Items to Donate

Items To Donate

Our Wish Lists

Dry Dog Food

Wet or Canned Dog Food

Dry Cat Food

Wet or Canned Cat Food

Cat Litter



Wash Cloths

Pee Pads or Puppy Pads

Cat Toys

Dog Toys

Pet Beds


Storage Containers

Office Supplies




Litter boxes

Kitten formula

Puppy Formula

Pet Carriers

Cat Shelters

Dog houses/ Shelters

Medical Supplies

Totes, Plastic Bins

Coming Soon

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